什么是家庭教育权 & 隐私法)?

1974年的《太阳城官网》, 经修正的(有时也被称为巴克利修正案), is a federal law regarding the privacy of student records and the obligations of the institution, 主要是在记录的发布和提供这些记录的访问方面. 任何接受由美国教育部管理的任何项目资助的教育机构.S. 教育部长受FERPA要求的约束. Institutions that fail to comply with FERPA may have funds administered by the 教育部长 withheld.


在FERPA, education records are defined as records that are directly related to a student and are maintained by an education agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution. 教育记录可以存在于任何媒介中, 包括:输入, 计算机生成的, 录像带, 录音, 电影, 缩微胶片, 缩微胶卷和电子邮件, 等. 


  • 独资记录,我.e., 由制作者单独拥有的记录/笔记, used only as a personal memory aid and not revealed or accessible to any other person except a temporary substitute for the maker of the record (this might include notes an instructor makes while providing career/professional guidance to a student);
  • 医疗记录包括, 但不限于, 医生保存的记录, 精神科医生, 心理学家(这些被其他法律所涵盖);
  • 不以学生身份为条件的就业记录, 但有关纪录只会用于有关该名人士的受雇事宜;
  • 由执法单位创建和保存的仅用于该目的的记录.  这些记录只向同一司法管辖区的执法机构披露, 而执法单位无权查阅教育记录;
  • 考勤记录.e., information about a person that was obtained when the person was no longer a student (alumni records) and does not relate to the person as a student.


检查审查权包括:查阅权, with an explanation and interpretation of the record; the right to a copy of the education record when failure to provide a copy of the record would effectively prevent the student from inspecting and reviewing the record. The institution may refuse to provide a copy of a student's education record provided such refusal does not limit access.

学生 may request that their education records be amended if they believe such information is inaccurate, 误读, 或者侵犯隐私权. 学生必须以书面形式要求保存这些记录的办公室修改这些记录. 学生 should identify the part of the records they want corrected and specify why they believe it is inaccurate, 误导或侵犯隐私权.

That office will review the request and inform the students in a reasonable amount of time after receiving the request. 如果记录管理员拒绝修改记录,学生有权进行听证. A hearing officer will be appointed by the cabinet member of the department A hearing will be held within a reasonable amount of time after the request for the hearing has been received. 听证官会通知学生, 合理提前, 日期的, 的地方, 还有听证会的时间.

如果听证官支持投诉, 教育记录将作相应修改,并通知学生. 如聆讯主任/委员会决定不修改教育纪录, students have the right to 的地方 in the education record a statement commenting on the challenged information and/or stating the reasons for disagreement with the decision. This statement will be maintained as part of the education record as long as the contested portion of the record is maintained.


FERPA has specifically identified certain information called directory information that may be disclosed without student consent.

本尼迪克特学院认为以下是目录信息.  这些信息可能会在未经允许的情况下发布给每个学生:

  • 学生的名字
  • 地址(校园 & 永久的)
  • 电话号码(本地和常住)
  • 学院电邮地址
  • 出生日期和地点
  • 照片
  • 级别(初级、高级)
  • 注册情况(全日制、非全日制)
  • 预计毕业日期
  • 本尼迪克特学院入学日期
  • 主要,次要(s)
  • 获得和/或获得学位
  • 参加官方认可的活动和体育运动(包括身高和体重), 适当的)
  • 奖项及荣誉


截至2012年1月3日,美国财政部已宣布.S. Department of Education's FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which a student’s education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records—including Social Security Number, 成绩, 或其他私人信息-可能在未经学生同意的情况下被访问.

首先,美国.S. 美国总审计长.S. 司法部长,美国.S. 教育部长, or state and local education authorities ("Federal and State Authorities") may allow access to a student’s records and PII without the student’s consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is "principally engaged in the provision of education,比如幼儿教育和职业培训, 以及任何由教育机构或机构管理的课程.

第二个, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to a student’s education records and PII without consent of the student to researchers performing certain types of studies, 在某些情况下,即使本笃学院反对或不要求这样的研究. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive a student’s PII, 但当局不需要对这些实体保持直接控制.

除了, 与全州纵向数据系统有关, 国家当局可以收取, 编译, 永久保留, 未经学生同意分享学生教育记录中的个人身份信息, and they may track student participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about the student that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, 包括劳动力发展, 失业保险, 儿童福利, 少年司法, 服兵役, 以及移民学生档案系统.


根据FERPA, a student can request that the institution not release any directory information about him/her. 如果学生仍然在册,各院校必须在收到此要求后遵守.

If you have any questions about your rights or to request clarification or further information, 请联系: 



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艾奇逊,KS 66002

电子邮件: lherndon@xhfangfu.com



An institution may disclose personally identifiable information without the student's written consent to "school officials" whom the institution has determined to have a "legitimate educational interest."


机构没有义务向任何人公布目录信息. FERPA only says that an institution MAY release information, but there is no obligation to do so. 当有疑问时,不要发布信息.


学生有权查看学生文件夹的内容, 不管他们在学校的财务状况如何. 然而, an institution is NOT REQUIRED to release an official transcript if the student has a past due account.


在公元前, all subpoenas are first reviewed by our legal counsel to determine the appropriate course of action.


如果需要非目录信息来解决危机或紧急情况, an education institution may release that information if the institution determines that the information is "necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals." Factors to be considered or questions to be asked in making a decision to release such information in these situations are: (1) the severity of the threat to the health or safety of those involved; (2) the need for the information; (3) the time required to deal with the emergency; (4) the ability of the parties to whom the information is to be given to deal with the emergency.
